The Black Knight - p.43


Hey everyone, Long time no see right? Well here is an update at last, well past the 3rd anniversary.
So I haven't been talking here at all (obviously since I haven't been updating) and I don't really get super personal and share with y'all. Heck I hardly share with people I consider close friends who I would help with crime or money. But in light of the many many wonderful notes I have received over time I wanted to get real with y'all a little.

Updates on this comic are VERY SPORADIC. Sometimes more ridiculously sporadic than others. I have never set an update schedule because I know I would not be able to keep to it and I take deadlines very seriously and I would hate myself for failing to meet them.. I am a finisher though. I finish what I start. It may take a really long time but - there will be a finish to all this.

That being said I want to explain the really long gaps lately in well... anything. I've mentally not been great. The depths of how much I don't want to say any of this can not be measured but suffice to say - I have not been great. I have been hanging in there and I am dealing with things as I do and things will just... be as they are. I don't have a ton of time I get to devote to this - but I love it. I love this comic. I started it at the lowest point I have ever hit to just move forward in a positive direction and not the negative ones that would have been a lot easier to take. Instead I decided to make and to do.

SO! Hey what a downer. Also I hate talking about me. But the comic might update RARELY but things are in progress. Keep an eye out for livestreams when I get a chance to work, excuse my lame music and feel free to drop by and chat to me and others. Drop me a message too! Say Hi! It's all gravy, but yeah... I have a lot of pages prepped and I am rewriting what comes after them... So... Watch for livestreams of me shading the upcoming pages!

Apologies for the lateness... Thank you as always for enjoying the comic so much and stopping by to read it.
Thank you Thank you Thank you!
Sorry sorry sorry....


    I'm so happy (an update) /weeps

    Everyone is so cute and perfect!!

    Don't worry about not being able to update all that often, each page is absolutely worth the wait. I'm sorry you've been struggling, I have a lot of experience myself with being mentally not great and I think it's amazing that you're still committed to this wonderful comic even if your brain isn't treating you very well. You can have my well wishes (not that they do much) for as long as you need them.

    I'll always be a fan of you and this comic.

    And thank you so much for updating!!! Remember: you are AMAZING.

    1. Thank you so much!! I am glad you love the comic and will stick it out with me! \o/ Thank you thank you! <3

  2. OMG BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for the update -- I'm so happy to see that the comic isn't dead.

    You really bring a lot of joy into my life!

    Hope all is well!


    1. Thank you!! The comic will never die!!! Just... maybe be ridiculously dormant for long periods of time.

  3. Great to have an update! This has made my day!

    I hope everything is well...

    1. Hangin in there like everybody else right?! :D Thanks for reading!!!

  4. AW YIIIS!! ♥ ♥ ♥
    Thank you so much you wonderful person you! I'm so happy to see these boys again :D
    Care to share a link to your stream account or is it personal?..

    1. hi! It's not personal at all. it's found here:

  5. YAY! I love this style, and I love this story. I will be here until the end!

    1. Yeahhh!!!!!!! Thank you!! I hope I keep making it worth your while!

    Thank you so muuuch! I'm loving this history so much ;-;

  7. Oops I think my comment didn't go through? But I am very excited for a new page! I love this at any pace
    <3 <3 <3 Kat

    1. Kat!! <3 <3 <3 thanks... I wish I was as swift as y'all on SpaceJinx! Which I hope everyone here is reading. (find a handy link on the main page!)

  8. YAY omg you're back! <3

    Hey, I understand (at least to some extent) what you're saying: deadlines, reluctance to share/bother my friends or family, stress, depression, hopelessness etc... it's really hard, but I just want you to know that your comic brings so much joy and light! I'm planning on being here through to the end of this story and I hope you realise how much of a positive impact you're having :D I literally screamed with delight when I saw your update in my reader [eeeeeeeeee] * u *

    I wish you all the best, and I look forward to your next update *hug*

    1. Hey!! Thank you for the kind words. It really means a lot. I will also be here til the end of the comic!! I have so much fun stuff to get to! So much.... I am so happy you are happy! <3 <3 <3

  9. I am SO GLAD to see an update :) also for the possibility of future livestreams.

    1. BOBBY!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 I am trying to get more updates out and there will be more livestreams whenever I'm working because it keeps me on task! And lets me share my odd taste in music.

  10. Thank you so much for updating <3 I'm really glad to see a new page. I love your style!

    1. Hi!! Thank you! You are welcome <3 I am so happy to get to update you have no idea. I hope you keep coming back! <3

  11. Seems all good people making awesome things go through really bad times a lot. Sorry to hear that. WIsh you all the best and more.
    Your comic is important to me. Just the fact that it exist, finished or not, is a joy forever.

    1. Thank you so much, this comment means a lot - and I swear no matter what this comic will be finished. Somehow!!! \o/

  12. YAY UPDATE <3 <3 <3
    Thanks so much for updating! This comic is one of my favourites!
    It's totally fine to not update so often, so don't worry about it! Your personal well being is always the top priority so please take care of yourself!

    1. HI! Yeah I do my best all around but I like to be able to update this! Thank you for sticking around and reading!

  13. I would love to see the pages more often, but you do put an awful lot of work into every page. I'm happy to see that you have updated, and I'm pleased to know that I can expect more pages in the future.

    Hang in there.

  14. Hope everything gets better for you. Just wanted to pop in and say: discovered this comic today, love the art style, and Prince Evan is also a very intriguing character--there's very clearly stuff going on there, he's not just a cute airhead, and I am excited to see what happens next!

  15. "I'd think you'd be there if I was screaming" I literally only JUST got that lmao

  16. ... 2 innuedos in a row? One from the prev page and now this? XD
